What Aquarius Season Means to Me

I recently saw an Instagram post that linked Aquarius with loving every version of yourself. And I really liked it because I had never thought about Aquarius this way before, but it really resonated with me.

I’ve gone through quite a bit of change over the last eight and a half years.

I live 2,000 miles away from where I lived for the first 22 years of my life.

I met and married the person I’ll be spending the rest of my life with.

And I’ve reconsidered both of these choices multiple times since then.

So it’s safe to say I’ve been through some change over the years. And I didn’t always see that as a positive thing.

That’s the lesson of Aquarius Season: love all phases of yourself. Just like the moon, you need to change your shape to adapt to what you need throughout all parts of your life.

Aquarius is the sign where Saturn lives in my birth chart. When Saturn returns to the sign it was when you were born, this is known as the Saturn Return. It’s when Saturn, which rules responsibility and karma in your life, forces you to look at your life and question whether you’re living it the way you should. It takes about 28 years for Saturn to return to a sign, which means you usually go through your first Saturn Return around age 28 – 30.

Therefore, Aquarius, while an air sign, has felt heavy for me. However, it’s taught me to love all versions of myself. And that’s the lesson of Aquarius: love all versions of yourself so that you can share your whole self with the collective. If you don’t do that, the world loses out on your gifts. We all have something to give. Look to your heart and Aquarius to help you find what that is.

Keep reading to learn more about Aquarius Season and how you can incorporate these learnings in your life.

What’s the Aquarius Personality Like?

Last week, I had my first birth chart reading. In this reading, I learned more about the big three in your birth chart: your sun, moon, and rising signs. Each determines a different part of your personality. If you have Aquarius in one of your big three, you probably express some of the following behaviors and characteristics.

☀️ What are Aquarius Suns known for? ♒️

Your sun sign rules your personality. It’s the version of you that you’re here to embody in this lifetime. For Aquarius, that means you like to follow your heart and may be considered eccentric. Not one to go with the crowd, you forge your own path while sharing the colorful version of you with the world. Much like their opposing sign Leo, Aquarius Suns make great leaders because they will lead with their heart. They like to wear what they want, listen to the music they want, and take up causes to improve humanity. Sometimes this shows up through involvement in politics, but it can also be through volunteering within their communities.

🌕 What are Aquarius Moons known for? ♒️

Your moon sign determines your emotions, which often dictate your relationship behaviors and needs. For Aquarius, this means they must feel free to share their authentic selves with the world. If they don’t, they’ll feel frustrated and unfulfilled. This carries over to their relationships. If they cannot express their true selves, they will slowly wilt or leave the relationship. Be prepared for an eccentric partner if you’re paired with an Aquarius Moon. They often act from the heart and always have the needs of the collective at the forefront of their minds. This means they may not be great at 1:1 conversations. Because they act from the heart, they’ll always appreciate a romantic gesture even if they have an unusual way of showing it.

🌅 What are Aquarius Risings known for? ♒️

Your rising sign determines your soul sign. It’s usually the sign that people will guess you are based on their first impression of you. Some giveaways that you’re an Aquarius Rising:

  • Putting the group or collective before yourself

  • Holding your hands on your heart when describing your passions or things you love in your life

  • Talking about politics or saving the planet

  • Naming discreet bands or artists that most people haven’t heard of yet

  • Wearing mismatching or bright colors that you probably thrifted

All of these attributes are positive. If you or someone you know does any of things, they should be celebrated.

hot air balloons flying over a snowy mountain landscape

Aquarius Season Stats

To see Aquarius Season at a glance, check out the following sections.

Aquarius Month and Dates

Aquarius Season begins in the second half of January and goes through the first half of February. So if you’re born within this range, you’re probably an Aquarius Sun. In 2023, Aquarius Season begins on January 20 at 1:30 AM MST and lasts until the first day of Pisces Season on February 18. Aquarius always falls in the middle of winter, which means it’s a great time to breathe in the cooling winter air and let it inspire you to share your authentic self with the world.

Aquarius Meaning

The meaning of Aquarius Season comes from its constellation. Many different cultures associated this sign with the same thing: water. Learn more below.


There are many versions of the Aquarius constellation’s history. However, they all involve water, which is where the water bearer’s constellation came from.

For the Greeks, the Aquarius constellation represented Ganymede, the cupbearer to the gods. For the Babylonians, Aquarius represented the god Ea, who they usually depicted holding a vase. They also associated Aquarius with the floods they regularly experienced, which they had in common with the ancient Egyptians. They associated Aquarius with the annual flooding of the Nile.

The water theme continues for Arabic, Chinese, and Indian astronomers, who all considered the rainy season and floods a product of Aquarius.


The Aquarius constellation resembles a vase that has been tipped over and is spilling water. It reminds me of a sideways cup with some lines coming out of it.

🏠 House 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️

Aquarius rules the eleventh house, which is the house of friends, gatherings, and the community. This matches the Aquarian energy of the collective.

♅ Planet

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of liberation and freedom. When Uranus was discovered, it shook up the current belief that Saturn was the last planet in the solar system. This is why Uranus is associated with new and revolutionary ideas. It’s very similar to its ruling sign, the eccentric Aquarius, in this way.

♒️ Symbol 🏺

Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer, which is often shown as the large jar above that carries water. It is also associated with the double squiggly line, which represents water.

💨 Element

While Aquarius is associated with water, it’s actually an air sign. Its light energy moves quickly and can bring new ideas, people, and visions into your life faster than during other seasons. It’s common to feel scattered during an Air season. People who are air signs are often great communicators, but can appear aloof or have their “heads in the clouds” at times.


Since Aquarius falls during the middle of winter, it’s a fixed sign. Fixed signs sustain. They help carry the energy started by the cardinal sign of the season (Capricorn) into the mutable sign at the end of the season (Pisces). Sometimes, the middle of winter can feel dark, but the bright energy of Aquarius reminds you to bring your true self into the world to light up the dark.

💚 Chakra

Aquarius is associated with the heart chakra. It resonates with the energy of the heart because you need to wear your heart on your sleeve and love yourself to share your true self with the world.

How to Make the Most of Aquarius Season

Align with the authentic energy of Aquarius Season to be your truest self. Remind yourself how much you matter by saying “I love you” in the mirror to start each morning. It may feel silly, but it will go a long way in building your self-love.

For me, Aquarius Season feels like the time to love all parts of my self, even the ones I’d rather not share with the world. This year, I’m focusing on loving the current version of me and reminding myself it’s the best one yet. I’m also taking Spirit Daughter’s Aquarius Lunar Cycle Course to define my vibration for the year.

Get out of your comfort zone, wear an outfit that you think looks slightly crazy, but that you like anyway. Do a fun dance to your favorite song. And get involved with a new group in your community. Try searching the Facebook events happening in your area. You’re bound to find one that piques one of your interests.

For more suggestions on incorporating Aquarius Season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out my Aquarius products!

Happy Aquarius Season!


Pisces Season


Capricorn Season Guide