Capricorn Season Guide

Capricorn Season coincides with the first day of winter and the real holiday season. However, I’ve always associated Capricorns with hard work and cold winters. Until I learned how much Capricorn I had in my chart, I thought this sign was a little boring. But once I learned your life’s work doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, if you think it’s boring, it’s probably time to find a new career or life’s work.

I now understand that Capricorn is a highly intuitive sign because it’s the part of you that says yes to what you really want and no to everything else. Often, I find myself answering that question, but then immediately shushing it so that I can please the people around me. Capricorn reminds me to stop doing that, and to put my own interests first so that I can live a happy and fulfilling life where I work on what my true life’s calling is. With this blog post, I hope to shed some light on Capricorn Season so that you may erase any of the boring beliefs you associated with this steadfast sea goat.

What does Capricorn Season mean?

The start of Capricorn Season means it’s the last sun season of the year, and the first of the following year. It means it’s time to reflect on the things you would like to do more of in the coming year and the things you would like to do less of. It’s a time to get focused on your life’s work, which may be your career or it may be something else in your life that you have dedicated your life to working on. If you’re not sure what that is, Capricorn Season is the time to find it.

When does Capricorn Season start?

To begin, this year Capricorn Season begins on December 21, the first day of winter. Capricorn Season always coincides with the first day of winter, which you will learn more about later in this blog post. It continues through 2023 until the start of Aquarius Season on January 20, 2023.

The Capricorn Sun Sign

Capricorn Suns are often hardworking people who can become workaholics, but that does not mean Capricorns should be workaholics. It’s just an extreme low of this sign. This Earth sign is intuitive, grounded, and generally positive because they will rise to any occasion. They are responsible go-getters and often do well in school. They know when to say yes to the things that will make them happy and no to the things that will not serve them. They can usually focus for long periods of time on one thing and are the ones that might get lost in their work and forget to eat at times. They can be perceived as serious at first glance, but usually have a fun and creative interior waiting to be discovered.

Capricorn History and Constellation

The Capricorn sign comes from the constellation, Capricornus, which came from the story of Pan, the half-goat, half-man who was turned into a half-goat, half-fish when he dove into the Nile River to escape Typhon, a monster with a hundred dragons’ heads.

The constellation is shaped like a triangle, where the top part represents the goat’s horns and the bottom two corners represent the legs and fish tail.

Capricorn Season Stats

Below you’ll find some quick stats on Capricorn Season.

House 👩‍✈️🧑🏻‍🎨👮🏼‍♂️

Capricorn rules the tenth house, which is the house of career.

Planet 🪐

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is associated with karma and responsibility. Often, when people are in their Saturn return, which means Saturn returns to the sign it was in at their birth, which usually happens between age 28 and 30, things they’ve been neglecting responsibility for will right themselves. Big life events can take place during this time to try to bring you back into alignment with your responsibilities.

Symbol ♑️ 🐐

Capricorn is depicted as a sea goat, but sometimes just a goat. The word “capricornus” means goat-horned in Greek, which is where the symbol comes from.

Element 🌳🜃

Capricorn is an Earth sign, meaning it’s very grounded, though can be considered too unmoving at times (some may say stubborn like its companion Earth signs Taurus and Virgo). Earth signs are usually calming and can bring a conversation back down if it’s become too heated, up in the air, or emotional. Because it’s an Earth sign, it’s also considered a feminine sign.


As the sign that brings in winter, Capricorn is a cardinal sign. This means it signals the start to a new season. Cardinal signs can be seen as headstrong and with strong sense of direction. Sometimes they can also be considered trendsetters and good at paving their own paths given their cardinal nature.

What can I expect from Capricorn Season?

Capricorn Season marks both the end of the current year and start to the new year. Because of this, Capricorn Season is a great time to step back and review your goals. How is your current life’s work or career treating you? Is it time to set some goals around making it better? Or finding a new one? It’s a time to inspect whether the things you’re spending time doing are truly the things that benefit you the most. Or perhaps you should say no to more of them and spend more time doing the things that make you happy and bring you joy.

Because Capricorn is an Earth sign, it’s also a great time to spend outdoors. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, this may not seem appealing at the beginning of winter, but I find that to be the most enchanting time of the season. It’s before snow has lost its novelty, and when coming inside after a day playing in the snow feels so inviting.

I’ve used The Daily as a way to get clear on my career goals. I also used the Artist’s Way and Empaths in Business to get clear on my goals for my business. Journaling is one of my favorite practices to get focused on where I see myself in the future, which is a great activity to start during Capricorn Season. Capricorn Season is unique in that it offers you the opportunity to set the tone for the new year based on what you learned in the first half of the season about the end of the previous year.

Perhaps after spending time talking about your life with friends and family over the holidays, you heard yourself complaining about the same things over and over again. The second half of Capricorn Season is the perfect time to put focus into changing those things.

For more suggestions on incorporating Capricorn Season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out my Capricorn products!


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