Scorpio Season Secrets

Welcome to Scorpio Season, the most magical time of the year (not to be confused with the most wonderful time of the year during Capricorn Season). Halloween happens during Scorpio Season, and the two are often associated with many of the same energies. Dark and magical, it’s the time to go deep within to understand your darkest secrets. It’s the time to get to know your shadows.

Scorpio Season starts on October 23, 2022 and ends when we transition to Sagittarius Season on November 22, 2022. During this time, I’m reminded of the witches in Salem who were persecuted for being different. Is there a part of you that’s doing the same thing to yourself? Do you find yourself judging the parts of you that don’t align with society’s standards? This is where shadows come from—they’re parts of ourselves that we’ve cast off and disassociated from because we didn’t think we would be accepted with them. Strong judgement towards others for a particular characteristic is often an indication that you judge that characteristic or behavior in yourself and have disassociated from it, though that does not mean it’s no longer a part of you. You just may not be able to see it.

Remind yourself to be open to yourself and others during this time. Shine light on all parts of you so that you can align with your true self. Share your inner witch with the world so that you may experience all the magic life has to offer.

Keep reading to learn more about this magical sun season.

The Scorpio Sun Sign

Scorpios can sometimes get a bad rap, but technically any sign can have their lows and highs. Scorpios are intuitive deep thinkers. They often obsess over growth and transformation and try to get to the root of things. They like their alone time to contemplate and can be judgmental. They may go through different phases and transformations throughout their lifetimes. Like the scorpion, they can sting when they feel threatened, and like other water signs, emotions run deep for Scorpio Suns. This is where they may got stuck from time to time, in a relentless growth cycle, so it can be good for them to come up for air once in awhile to enjoy their lives at the present moment.

Scorpio History and Constellation

Scorpio Season occurs when the sun passes through the Scorpius constellation in the sky. In Greek mythology, the scorpion was sent to kill Orion after he boasted he could kill any animal on Earth. Zeus then turned both into constellations to remind humans what happens when you boast to a god. This is also why the two constellations never appear in the sky at the same time—Orion disappears are Scorpius rises in the sky and vice versa.

Scorpio Season Stats

Here’s your quick guide to the characteristics of Scorpio Season.

House 🏠

Scorpio is ruled by the eighth house, which is the house of growth and transformation.

Planet ♇

Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto, which is the darkest planet. Pluto was also the name of the Roman version of Hades, ruler of death and the underworld. Pluto is often associated with death, as is Scorpio Season, for its association with the cycles of life and transformation.

Symbol ♏️ 🦂

The symbol for Scorpio Season looks like the letter “M.” It’s similar to the symbol for Virgo Season (♍️), which may be because the two constellations were next to each other for a time. It is also believed the Virgo symbol is the female version of the symbol while the Scorpio symbol is the male version. Other representations include a barbed tail turning upward, which matches the Scorpion symbol that is also used to represent the sign. It can be used to represent both creation and destruction, both associated with Scorpio Season.


Scorpio is a water sign, meaning it’s a time to go deep with your emotions. It’s also a time to slow down and listen to your intuition and what your body is telling you that your head or rational mind may be ignoring.


Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning it remains in the same season before and after the season. It’s the fixed fall sign. Sometimes having a lot of these signs in your chart can signal you have trouble with change and can be stubborn.

Activities for Scorpio Season

Scorpio Season is a magical time of the year. It includes Halloween, which is often associated with witches, magic, and spells. However, it’s more about the magic within and your ability to transmute any negative situations, feelings, or thoughts into positive ones. This work begins with understanding your shadows, the parts of you that you’ve hidden away because they were not accepted by someone in your life. Rather than dealing with the emotions of the situation, you decided they were no longer a part of you and hid them away. But shadows are never gone. They are still a part of your unconscious and often show themselves through your reactions to certain situations, usually reactions that don’t fit the present situation. When you reflect and wonder why you’ve overreacted to something, that’s usually a sign that your shadow was in play.

Scorpio Season is often associated with darkness (that’s why blacks, dark blues, and dark purples are good for calling in Scorpio energy). This means it’s a time to go within and understand your emotions and reactions so that you may transform them into what you need to achieve your dreams. It’s alchemy for your soul.

During Scorpio Season, take time to journal about your reactions. Think about where you may have developed these habits and how you can modify them to fit your current situation. One of my favorite emotions to transmute is anxiety. Before an event, I often feel anxious, even if it’s something good. Turing this anxiety into excitement can help me change my perspective. Anxiety and excitement have similar feelings in the body: racing heart, sweaty palms, and quick thoughts. You can train your mind to associate those physical signs with excitement. This is the magic we all have the ability to create.

For more suggestions on incorporating Scorpio Season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out my Scorpio products!


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