Your Libra Season Low-down

When I think of Libra Season, I think of meaningful conversations, interior decorating, and peaceful ways to remain balanced.

When I think of fall, I think of the changing colors of the trees, wrapping myself up in warm blankets, and drinking warm tea while baking warm and cozy baked goods, usually involving pumpkin.

These two seasons are intertwined because Libra Season always coincides with the first day of fall. You’ll see why when you read below. Libra Season is like that steady friend you know you can always count on. Seeing them brings you peace and calm. So let’s dive in.

Libra Season 2022

Libra Season begins on the fall equinox, which is September 22, 2022, and ends on October 22, 2022. Libra Season, like fall, always begins in September. It’s the beginning of pumpkin-flavored everything and warm sweaters in warm oranges and burnt siennas.

The Libra Personality

Libra Suns (people with a Libra Sun sign) are often non-confrontational, indecisive, and can always see both sides of a situation. They also tend to be the relationship-oriented, neutral party (or Switzerland ) of their friend groups. As lovers or art and beauty, they tend to artists or decorators. As an air sign, they have lots of thoughts that can be a little untethered at times. Overall, they generally get along with everyone.

Libra Energy

Each season has a specific energy associated with it, which comes from the qualities of the sign. Libra is the sign of the scales, which are all about balance, give and take, yin and yang. Libra is about finding where you’re balanced and maintaining that balance as much as possible. One area where this comes through is in our relationships. Oftentimes, relationships aren’t going to be split 50/50, but if they’re consistently tilted toward one side with one person doing all the work, they will not be a positive experience. Therefore, Libra is often associated with maintaining relationships as well as balance.

Libra Constellation and History

Everything about Libra Season stems from its constellation and history.


The Libra constellation is shaped a bit like a sideways house. It has three stars that create a triangle (or roof) of the house and then two arms that come out the bottom. It’s located in the southern celestial hemisphere between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east (the Virgo and Scorpio constellations).


Originally, there was no Libra constellation. The stars that make up its constellation were split between Virgo and Scorpio, which is another theory as to why the symbols for these two seasons are similar. Libra’s scales were attached to the goddess of Justice, which was once what the ancients believed the Virgo constellation to represent. Libra’s arms were once the claws in the Scorpius constellation.

The Romans invented the Libra constellation, taking each respective part of the Virgo and Scorpio constellations, and included the Autumnal Equinox in their new constellation. This was the point in the sky where the sun crossed the equator as it headed to the Northern Hemisphere to the south of it. And just like today, it is one of two days of the year where there are equal parts day and night. This balance pairs nicely with the symbolism of the scales, which is probably why the Romans named Libra for this object.

Libra Season Stats

Each sign has certain characteristics assigned to it (masculine/feminine, positive/negative, etc.). Here’s a quick rundown on some of Libra’s specifics.


Libra is ruled by the seventh house, which is the house of relationships.


Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which is the planet of love and beauty. It reminds you to think about the things you truly love to do in life. It also reminds you to take time to appreciate the beauty in life and stop to smell the proverbial roses. This is why Libra and Taurus, the other sign ruled by Venus, are considered the signs of the artist.


Libra is Latin for “balance.” It’s named for the scales and its symbol looks like those: ♎️ . Libra is the the only inanimate object in the zodiac—the rest are named for living things, like animals or people. Fun fact: the “l” and “b” in the abbreviation for “pound” come from the first and third letters of the word “Libra” because of its association with scales and weights.


Libra is an air sign, which means it can feel quick-moving and untethered at times. Thoughts move quickly during air seasons. Incorporating movement and meditations that increase focus are good for this time of year.


Libra is a cardinal sign, meaning it signals the start to a new season (fall). Cardinal signs are often associated with new beginnings.

What Is Libra Season Good For?

Because Libra Season is all about balance, it’s great for taking time to review where your energy is going each day. Write down one day’s worth of activities to see what you’re spending your energy on. Is it where you want it? Should you balance it more toward your life outside work? Or perhaps take more time to care for yourself instead of using all of your energy on caring for others?

Or maybe there are certain relationships that have become too taxing. If you feel as if you’re putting in more than you’re getting out, it may be time to let that relationship go. Clear out what no longer serves you, just like the trees that clear out their leaves in the fall. In the realm of relationships, Libra Season is a great time to have any deep, relationship-related conversations. Focus on listening to what the other person says and send them positive energy to ensure the conversation can remain level-headed.

Libra is also the sign of the artist so it can be a great time to do some interior decorating, again clearing out the decorations that no longer bring you joy and finding the new ones that do.

For more suggestions on incorporating Libra season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out the Libra Collection!

Happy Fall and Libra Season! ♎️ ⚖️ 🍂 🍁


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