Marvelous Magical Oils, One Year Later

It’s hard to believe it was one year ago I started Marvelous Magical Oils. Being a business owner has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I still take it for granted at times. While I can’t say I’m where I thought I’d be a year ago, I’m still where I’m meant to be.

If you’d asked me a year ago where I’d be at this point, I’d probably say either working part time on my business while working part time elsewhere, or working completely full time as a business owner.

While this isn’t the case (I’m still working full time for my employer), I’m still happy with where I’ve landed.

I haven’t been marketing my products as much this year because I haven’t decided what I want the next version of my business to look like. They are endless possibilities, but I want to choose one that calls out to me and helps me fulfill my purpose.

I’m not sure what that is yet, but I’m open to finding out.

Cheers to another year ahead, MMO. It’s been great working with you.


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