Gemini House Placements

Gemini is the season of learning and new perspectives. In the spirit of knowledge, I’m dropping another layer of astrological knowledge in this blog post.

In Aries Season, we explored Aries wounds and how to heal them. In Taurus Season, we explored Taurus planetary placements. In this post, we’ll explore Gemini house placements.

However, before we get into houses, let’s examine Gemini a bit more closely.

Gemini Season Stats

Gemini Season begins at 1:09 AM MDT on Sunday, May 21 and ends at 8:57 AM MDT on June 21, when Cancer Season begins. Gemini is the last spring season before we transition into summer at the start of Cancer Season.

Let’s get more granular with Gemini.

  • Planetary ruler: Mercury; he was the Roman version of Hermes, the fast god with winged feet; Mercury is also the planetary ruler of Virgo

  • Symbol: The Twins

  • Element: Air

  • Modality: Mutable, which means it ends a season: spring

  • Chakra: Throat, the chakra associated with communication, speaking, and sharing your truth; the Throat Chakra is located at the throat

  • House: Third, the house of Communication

  • Body area: Gemini rules the arms and hands, which is why many Geminis like to talk with their hands

Gemini in the Houses

To give some context, houses are the twelve pieces of your birth chart. You can look your birth chart up at

There are also twelve signs in the zodiac. This isn’t a coincidence.

Each house represents an area of your life, like the house of play or resources. Each house is also governed by a sign, meaning the sign touching this house in the birth chart. The signs flavor that area of life.

Let’s look at an example so you can see what I mean.

Beyonce's birth chart

This is Beyonce’s birth chart. You can see the twelve pieces of her birth chart, which are the houses.

In Beyonce’s chart, her first house starts in Libra and continues into Scorpio. You can see this by looking at the sign symbols around the outside of her chart. Libra is the ♎️ and Scorpio is the ♏️. You can also look for the number 1 in the second ring around the circle. It’s a pretty small 1, so look closely.

Gemini is the ♊️. In Beyonce’s chart, this touches both her eighth and ninth houses, which are the houses of transformation and travel, respectively. This means transformation and travel in her life will have a Gemini flavor or spin to them.

So, grab your chart and find the Gemini symbol. Then read more about the houses it touches for you. Or, if you’re an astrology buff like me, read all of them!

Gemini in the First House

The first house is the house of self. This is the house that begins your chart and is where your rising sign is. This means it’s about what’s rising within you, what you project to the world, your outward appearance, and how you see yourself. Since Gemini is the sign of the twins, there’s a duality that comes along with it. This means you may have a couple different ways of projecting yourself to the world based on who you’re with or you may have an inner struggle about who you really are. Gemini is also an air sign and ruled by Mercury, so it’s fast-moving. Since the first house (and often rising sign) governs your physical appearance, you may move quickly.

Gemini in the Second House

The second house rules our possessions. This includes our finances, but can be anything you view as a possession. With Gemini in your second house, you may have a lot of possessions, but don’t always stick with them. You may have a tendency to order the newest fad, but then leave it for another new fad soon after your purchase it. You may have your finances in a lot of buckets (investing in lots of different things). In terms of your actual possessions, since knowledge is important to Geminis, you may have a lot of books in your home or a large bookshelf.

Gemini in the Third House

The third house is the house of communication, which is Gemini’s home. This house placement means you have great communication skills, whether verbal or written, are probably a fast thinker and talker, and often say what you’re thinking almost immediately. You can carry both sides of a conversation and enjoy speaking on a variety of topics. This is the ultimate “gift of gab” placement, meaning you would do well hosting a podcast or radio show.

Gemini in the Fourth House

The fourth house is the house of home and family. It’s the deepest house in your chart, meaning it usually holds things that are more private. However, with Gemini here, it’s probably less private in your world. Gemini is about breadth over depth, which can be applied to the family and home life through the relationships you have with your home and family. You may have multiple homes or multiple families (or friends you consider family). The home may be a less stable place with this air placement than an earth sign would be. Family may also be a transient part of your life. Or you may have a lot of friends that you wouldn’t necessarily consider close.

Gemini in the Fifth House

The fifth house is known as the house of play. It’s where you find fun in your life. This means you probably enjoy doing research, talking, writing, or expanding your knowledge by taking classes on a variety of topics. Perhaps school was fun for you because you had the chance to learn about a variety of topics. You probably enjoy reading books or telling stories. Since Gemini is an air sign, it’s all about movement. You may enjoy dance classes or other types of workout classes. Or dancing around your room to your favorite music.

Gemini in the Sixth House

The sixth house is the house of service. It’s the gifts we have that we’re meant to share with the world. Just like in the third house, having Gemini here means you probably have strong communication skills. You may also have an ability to see other people’s perspectives or digest new information quickly. You’re a skilled researcher and can find anyone or anything on the internet quickly. You’re naturally curious and clever and can create fun in almost any situation.

Gemini in the Seventh House

The seventh house is the house of relationships. It can determine what you value in relationships and how you act in them. With Gemini in this house, you value relationships that bring you new knowledge and perspectives. You also enjoy talking, so people in relationships with you may find themselves fighting for air time. This can be okay as long as it’s stated up front. Gemini is also a very dual sign, which can come in handy when trying to understand another person’s perspective. However, this can be confusing for those in a relationship with you (and confusing for you) if they don’t know which side of you they’re going to get on a given day.

Gemini in the Eighth House

The eighth house is the house of transformation. It’s where you see the growth areas in your life. With Gemini in this house, you may see growth areas around communication, movement, duality, or how you gain knowledge. You may also feel a bit uncomfortable during Gemini Season or find yourself dealing with growing pains over this season. Perhaps you have a hard time seeing other people’s perspectives or have trouble communicating your ideas. These are the types of lessons you will learn in this lifetime with this house placement. Your job is to incorporate the strengths of Gemini (social skills, intelligence, open-mindedness, curiosity, high-energy, and fun-lovingness) into your life to help you grow. These things may not come easily, but they will ultimately prove beneficial in your life.

Gemini in the Ninth House

The ninth house is where we find travel. Travel can also involve new experiences. With Gemini in the ninth house, you like to travel to gain new knowledge. You probably enjoy reading travel blogs and doing research on the places you’re traveling to. As with other Gemini house placements, it’s about breadth over depth. So you probably take a lot trips, but may never return to the same place twice. You probably also enjoy trips where you can be active and go on daily excursions.

Gemini in the Tenth House

The tenth house rules our work and career. Gemini in the tenth house means you may have a career in research, communication, or public speaking. Or something that relies on your quick-thinking, wit, abundance of ideas, ability to think outside the box and in different perspectives, or a combination of these skills. If this isn’t your career yet, perhaps you can incorporate some of these skills into your current role to make it more fulfilling.

Gemini in the Eleventh House

The eleventh house is the house of community. It’s where we find our duty to society or how we get involved in the world around us. With Gemini here, you may be part of lots of groups in society. This gives you a unique opportunity to understand multiple perspectives from all areas. You may get involved with a variety of causes (make sure you don’t get burned out!). In school, you may have found yourself bouncing around a variety of groups (the cheerleaders, the athletes, the honor students, etc.). You may be active in your community, a part of the gardening club, PTA, and farmers market organizations.

Gemini in the Twelfth House

The twelfth house rules our subconscious. It’s where our shadows and dreams live. Our shadows are the parts of ourselves we deny as part of us, but they still control us through our subconscious. One way to think about our shadows is by looking at the low sides of a sign. Every sign has highs and lows. Some of the Gemini lows include oversharing, indecisiveness, and inconsistency. You may not realize that you flake out on your commitments or have trouble keeping your thoughts to yourself.

There you have it: Gemini through all the houses. However, a birth chart is more than the sum of its parts. This means you can’t take a certain part of the birth chart on its own. Some of these house placements may not make sense to you or may look different depending on the planets within your house and the aspects they’re making to other houses. But it gives you another way to look at your life and how it’s unfolding.

Don’t forget to check out the Gemini products in my shop! Also, if you’re curious about your birth chart or want to understand how to read it, leave your questions in the comments below. I’d love to help you discover something new about yourself.

Happy Gemini Season!


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