Taurus Placements and What They Mean

A green bull

Last month, I tried something different with the Aries Season blog post. It was focused on Aries wounds and how to heal them using homeopathic remedies.

This month, I’m focusing on the Taurus placements in the birth chart and what they mean. I’ll also give some general Taurus Season information like I do for all of the seasonal posts.

So let’s dive in.

Taurus Season Stats

  • Planetary ruler: Venus, also the Goddess of Love in Roman mythology

  • Symbol: The Bull

  • Element: Earth

  • Modality: Fixed, which means it maintains a season: spring

  • Chakra: Root, the chakra associated with grounding, the earth, and physical world; the Root Chakra is located at the pelvis

  • House: Second, the house of Possessions

  • Body area: Taurus rules the throat and neck area

stock photo of leaves growing out of the ground

Taurus Placements

I’ll go over the main planetary placements as well as the moon, nodes, Chiron, ascendent, and midheaven. I highly recommend you check out your birth chart before continuing, so you’re aware if you have any of these placements. You can look your birth chart up at astro-charts.com.

Taurus Sun

The sun placement rules the core of our personality. It’s how we’re hardwired to do within this lifetime. If your sun is in Taurus, you’re probably pretty earthy, like nice things, and care for beauty. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is concerned with beauty, and like many Earth placements, can also be concerned with material possessions. This can manifest as frugality or a love of spending money. Taurus Suns can also be guilty of over-indulging because they enjoy the finer things in life. They tend to have a pretty sunny disposition.

Taurus Moon

The moon rules our emotions. If you’re moon is in Taurus, your emotions will have a Taurus flavor to them. They’re probably pretty grounded and even-keeled, but when feeling overwhelmed, it’s good to immerse yourself in nature. This will calm any emotions making you feel distraught or out-of-balance. Have an Earth sign in your moon placement means you may come off as not having strong emotions, but don’t let that stop you from examining them.

Taurus Mercury

Mercury rules how we think and our communication. It’s how we process information. With Taurus in this placement, you may need more time to process things or not like to over-complicate. Often, Taurus finds the simplicity of life the most enticing, which means how you communicate and think will be no different. Because Taurus rules both beauty and the throat/neck area, people with a Taurus Mercury (or any Taurus placement) usually have nice singing voices.

Taurus Venus

Venus rules what we find beautiful in life and who we love/what we love. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so if you have this placement, your Venus is very happy here. You probably love beautiful things, fresh flowers in the house, delicious meals, and pretty music. You probably also look for and appreciate beauty in your partner. Romantic gestures are not out of your comfort zone.

Taurus Mars

Mars rules our passion, anger, and sex. Since Taurus is a pretty even-keeled Earth sign, it calms Mars down a bit in this placement. It may take a lot to make you angry. However, Taurus is the Bull of the zodiac, and has a tendency toward stubbornness. If you do get angry, you tend to dig your heels in and not budge from your perspective in an argument.

Taurus Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion. In Greek mythology, Jupiter’s counterpart is Zeus. Not known for being subtle, he was the giver of many gifts, and when needed, punishments. Jupiter is what is known as a benefic planet, meaning he likes to give gifts. Venus is another benefic planet, which is the ruler of Taurus. Therefore, Jupiter is also happy in Taurus, which means someone with this placement will probably have a lot of good luck and gifts throughout their lifetime. However, this is where the overindulgence piece can come into play. Just be careful not to enjoy the finer things in life too much.

Taurus Saturn

Saturn rules our responsibilities in life. He is quite the opposite of Jupiter. Saturn is a malefic planet, meaning he likes to give lessons instead of gifts. With Saturn in Taurus, you probably have lessons to learn around material possessions or money. Perhaps you struggle to keep enough of it or need to let yourself spend a bit more. Or perhaps you have a lesson to learn around indulgence. With Taurus in Saturn, you may struggle to take part in some of the “fun” aspects of Taurus because of a responsibility or lesson that needs to be learned here. This isn’t a bad thing; it’s an opportunity for growth, which is truly one of the greatest gifts you can receive.

Taurus Uranus

Uranus is the first planet you cannot see with the naked eye. For a long time, astrologers believed Saturn was the last planet in the solar system. When Uranus was discovered, he really shook things up. And this is what the Uranus placement in a birth chart does. It’s unconventional. It breaks things. With Uranus in Taurus, you may have unconventional ideas about possessions or how to make money. You may also be one of the people to stand up for environmental efforts in politics.

Taurus Neptune

Neptune is the planet of dreams. It determines the dreams we have for ourselves in this lifetime, some of which are meant to be realized and some of which are not. Your daydreams are ruled by Neptune. With Taurus in Neptune, you probably have a more grounded personality that is less likely to lose yourself in daydreams. However, when you do, they may have a beautiful nature theme to them. Or perhaps you envision yourself a millionaire one day.

Taurus Pluto

Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, which is the opposite sign of Taurus. Pluto is a darker planet associated with the cycles of life and death. It rules growth and transformations. Taurus’s usually sunny disposition is a bit darkened in Pluto, but this is not a bad thing. Much like everything in nature has a lifecycle, meant to be recycled for greater things in the future, Pluto in Taurus understands all things in nature must die. However, they will come back rejuvenated and ready to serve a new purpose.

Taurus North Node

The North Node represents what we’re meant to learn in this lifetime. It’s what we’re striving for. We all come into this lifetime understanding our South Nodes, which are always the opposite sign of our North Node. If you have a Taurus North Node, you’re meant to learn Taurus’s lessons and gain Taurus strengths. Taurus strengths include stillness, simplicity, peace, and grounding. If your North Node is in Taurus, this means your South Node is in Scorpio. You may be holding on to traumas from a past life that you need to heal and let go of. Taurus is here to help you heal yourself through quiet moments in nature. If this is your placement, you’re currently aligned with the current nodal placements, which means it’s an extra powerful time for you to make changes in your life.

Taurus South Node

If you have a Taurus South Node, you’re meant to let go of the lower sides of Taurus in this lifetime. The South Node is believe to be the sign you were in a previous life. You’ve already learned the lessons of Taurus in that lifetime. Now you must learn the lessons of its opposing sign, Scorpio, and let go of its lower sides. Lower sides of Taurus include laziness, over-indulgence, and greediness. You need to look to the higher sides of Scorpio, like transformation, growth, and deeper understanding, to help you become the best version of yourself in this lifetime.

Taurus Chiron

Chiron is the constellation known as the wounded healer. In our birth charts, the Chiron placements represents a wound we need to heal. Usually, we’re very good at helping others heal it, but we have a blind spot for it in ourselves. If your Chiron is in Taurus, you may have a wound associated with beauty, your possessions, money, or peace. You may struggle to sit still, overly obsess over your bank account, or are a spendthrift. For some ideas on how to heal this wound, look to nature and deep meditation that allows you to still yourself and receive the messages that will bring you peace.

Taurus Ascendent

The Ascendent, also known as the Rising Sign, is the sign that was on the horizon when you were born. The Rising Sign in astrology represents our soul, purpose, and who we appear to be at first glance. It can also determine our outward appearance and physical ailments. Taurus Risings have a very sensual, earthy soul. They’re concerned with pleasure, and believe to enjoy life is their true purpose in this world. They may also believe they’re meant to bring that pleasure and beauty to others. This is another placement that may result in a beautiful singing or entertaining voice. Taurus Rising Signs have beautiful outward appearances, but are prone to gaining weight in their later years since they usually like to overindulge. Taurus rules the throat and neck area, so this rising sign can be prone to ailments in this area, like sore throats, tonsillitis, or cough.

Taurus Midheaven

The midheaven rules our careers. It’s always in the tenth house of the birth chart, which also rules our careers. If you have a Taurus Midheaven, your career may revolve around nature, being outside, working with your hands, or beautiful or sensual things. Some Taurus careers/topics:

  • Artist

  • Singer

  • Writer

  • Gardener

  • Landscaper

  • Park ranger

  • Botanist

  • Baker

  • Sommelier

  • Florist

  • Cook

There you have it: Taurus through all of the major birth chart placements. Everyone has Taurus in their birth chart, even if you don’t have a planet in Taurus. So embrace the Taurus Bull within using some of my Taurus products below, and enjoy this earthy season.


Marvelous Magical Oils, One Year Later


Aries Wounds and How to Heal Them