Happy Taurus Lunar Eclipse
Today’s lunar eclipse feels monumental for me and my business. It was exactly six months ago on the Taurus Solar Eclipse that I officially launched my business. So I feel today deserves some recognition and reflection.
For the last few years, I’ve wanted to run my own business. I dreamed of the freedom it would create for my schedule and my creativity. I reveled in the idea of not answering to anyone by myself when figuring out next steps. And I couldn’t wait to feel the excitement to get up each morning and work on my craft.
Well, I did it. I have my own business. Some days, I feel more accomplished than others about this. But today I’m taking the time to remind myself that it is an accomplishment. Despite the fact that I still work a full-time job and do this business on the side, I can still say I have a business. And I truly enjoy it. Of course, I would enjoy it more if I wasn’t working on it in the evenings after finishing a full workday, but I’m taking one step at a time.
For those of you wanting to start your own business, here’s a little inside scoop on the things that got me started.
Empaths in Business
I actually took this course a few years ago when I was trying to figure out what kind of a business I wanted to create. At the time, I didn’t have a solid offering, but I still found the course worthwhile. I resonated with a lot of the teachings and more spiritual approach to business than what’s more mainstream. It allowed me to be myself while still envisioning my role as a business owner.
However, when I began formatting the idea for Marvelous Magical Oils six months ago, I turned back to my Empaths in Business notes and resources. I essentially went back through the course with my new offer idea, which is how I crafted my sales page and determined my first sales goals.
Since then, Robin has been a resource when I need motivation and guidance throughout my business journey. It seems like her emails always show up with a message I need to hear in that moment.
This is an image of the notebook I bought specifically for Empaths in Business. It served me well! I’ve always thought buying a notebook specifically for something gives it more importance and makes you more likely to take it seriously and work on it.
The Artist’s Way
This book is what ultimately inspired my idea to turn Marvelous Magical Oils into a business. Throughout the 12 weeks of the program, you learn how to take your creative thoughts and turn them into a reality. I received the recommendation for this book at my first tarot card reading about a year ago. At the time, she told me I was yet to find the career or work that truly inspired me, and she recommended this book as a resource.
I had just given my family Christmas gifts very similar to the oil packages I sell for each of their signs. My dad said I should turn it into a business. I thought about it, but I didn’t truly give it thought in earnest until starting the Artist’s Way program. Each day, you write your “daily pages.” In those pages, you can say anything you want, but you have to write three pages a day. One of the remarkable things about these pages is if you hear yourself complaining or stating something you really want to do enough times, you might get sick of hearing yourself talk about it and actually do it.
And that’s what happened to me. I had been telling myself for years I wanted my own business, but I hadn’t done it. I didn’t have the right idea. While listing out things that bring me true joy, I came back to this idea of combining my love of creating essential oils products with my love of astrology. And the idea for Marvelous Magical Oils was born.
To the right are the notebooks I used for my morning pages. I went through quite a few notebooks getting my thoughts down during those 12 weeks. While it may seem like something to dread, I actually looked forward to getting everything out first thing so I could start my day with a clear (or clearer) head. In the middle are the notes where I came up with the idea for Marvelous Magical Oils.
In Conclusion
The day I came up with my idea was a magical day indeed. I couldn’t stop telling my family about it (perhaps to their dismay), and I kept coming up with new ideas for what I wanted to do with my business. That’s how I knew I had found my idea. When something gives you so much energy you could work on it for hours and never tire of it, you know you’ve found your passion and maybe even you life’s work.
Of course, I still have a long way to go with my business. But I know I’m on the right track because six months later, I could still keep working on this business through all hours of the day without thinking about anything else, including eating. And I’m always coming up with new ideas I want to try out.
If you’ve found your version of this and want to turn it into a business, I’d love to hear more about it. There’s no time like the present to share your gifts with the world. If there’s one thing you can learn from a Virgo, it’s that whatever you have is perfect enough. Don’t wait until you think it’s perfect because you’ll never share it with the world that way. We deserve to see the creations you’ve manifested through your hard work and talent.
So whatever you’re doing on this lunar eclipse, take some time to create something you enjoy working on. Perhaps that will give you a starting point for what you want to share with the world.