The Story Behind the Signs


You may be wondering what each of these collections means. If so, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will provide a brief summary of each of the astrological signs. Once you’re done, don’t forget to look for yours in my shop!

Before jumping into the signs, here is where they come from. Each sign represents a constellation (cool, right?). The dates of each season represent the days when the Sun is stationed in that particular constellation. This time period is not exactly the same every year (it can shift a few days) so if you’re born on the cusp of a season, it’s best to check your birth chart to see where the sun was stationed the year you were born. This is the site I use for birth charts.

Below you will find dates for this year’s seasons, brief descriptions, and some cool resources for each one.

Aries (March 20 - April 18): The first season of the astrological year, Aries brings spring in the Northern Hemisphere and a fire to find your life purpose. It’s the time to put you and your goals first. Shop Aries Oil Collection.

Taurus (April 19 - May 19): During Taurus Season, focus on your abundance and gratitude for the planet. A very earthy sign, Taurus brings presence and stillness to our lives. Shop Taurus Oil Collection.

Gemini (May 20 - June 20): Gemini brings lots of swirling knowledge, new ideas, and perspectives from others. It’s a good time to read up or watch documentaries on your favorite topics. Shop Gemini Oil Collection.

Cancer (June 21 - July 21): Cancer welcomes summer in the Northern Hemisphere and a time for self-care. It allows you to go within and feel all of your emotions. It’s also a good time to take relaxing baths and walks along the beach. Shop Cancer Oil Collection

Leo (July 22 - August 21): Just like the summer season it falls into, Leo is the time to do whatever brings you joy. It’s the time to connect with your inner child, laugh, dance, and express your heart for the world to see. Shop Leo Oil Collection

Virgo (August 22 - September 21): During this last season of summer, take the time to heal yourself by focusing on order and service. It’s the time to start new routines that will serve your goals well. Shop Virgo Oil Collection

Libra (September 22 - October 22): Libra Season begins fall in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the time to find balance and focus on your relationships. Clear out what no longer serves you during this time. Shop Libra Oil Collection

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Scorpio Season is a time of magic. It’s the time to transform the emotions, thoughts, and patterns that no longer align with who you are today. Shop Scorpio Products

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20): If you’ve been waiting to take a trip somewhere new, Sagittarius Season is the time to do it. New adventures, whether that’s to a new tropical island or simply to a new bookstore in your neighborhood, are perfect for the season of the archer. Shop Sagittarius Products

Capricorn (December 21 - January 20): Capricorn Season is the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s the time to focus on your responsibilities and career. Say no to anything that does not align with your goals and focus instead on nourishing your passions. Shop Capricorn Products

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19): Discover your authentic self during Aquarius Season. Then allow it to help the collective. Now is the time to let your true self out into the world. Shop Aquarius Products

Pisces (February 20 - March 20): As the season of the dreamer, Pisces represents the spirituality in your life. It’s the time to you allow yourself to go deep and simply observe your emotions while withholding expectations. Let go of control and let things happen as they’re meant to. Shop Pisces Products

Want more cool zodiac-themed stuff? Learn more about how I incorporate the signs into my daily life in this blog post.


Shop Sign Collections


How I Incorporate Astrology into My Daily Life