All about Leo Season

Leo Season Lion

Leo Season 2022 is upon us. It’s time to channel your inner brave-hearted lion and read up on everything you need to know about this second summer season.


I have quite a bit of Leo in my birth chart. I have four planets in Leo to be exact, but I admit I don’t quite identify with the Leo sign. I do, however, think I could use more of it in my life. Leo season is all about finding what you truly love and the things that bring you joy (if you're a fan of Marie Kondo, this may sound familiar). It’s the time to say yes to the things that bring you joy and no to the things that don’t. It’s the time to draw inspiration from the things that brought you joy as a child. Is that inner child somewhere inside you asking you to go out and karaoke or become a ballet dancer? Even if you can’t do exactly what you dreamed of as a child, Leo season is the time to start building habits that incorporate these pieces of your childhood dreams. So let’s get into what else you need to know about Leo season.

What day does Leo season start?

This year, Leo season begins on July 22nd. It’s the second summer season, and is often a time of outdoor parties, summer vacations, and time spent having fun. It’s the epitome of summer, which goes perfectly with the Leo season energy.

The Leo personality

People with their Sun in Leo are natural-born leaders. They also tend to be social and pretty happy and joyful. They thrive on attention and like to be in the spotlight. They speak from the heart and have no problem following their passions. They’re the friend who isn’t afraid to go after what will make them happy.

Leo is a fire sign

History of the Leo constellation

The Leo constellation was one of the first to be discovered, with evidence that the Mesopotamians had a version way back in 4000 BCE. There were many names for this constellation, but they all meant “lion.” According to Greek mythology, the Leo constellation represents the Nemean lion, which Greek hero Hercules had to defeat as the first of 12 labors the completed as penance for killing his wife and children (which is definitely NOT included in the Disney version of this story).

It’s shaped kind of like a coat hanger, but is meant to look like a crouching lion.

Leo season stats

Ruling house: the fifth, the house of play

Each birth chart is broken up into twelve houses, each corresponding to a different aspect of life. The fifth house rules the play in your life, meaning the things that make you happy and bring you excitement.

Ruling planet: the sun

Each sign is ruled or governed by a specific planet. Leo is ruled by the Sun.

Symbol: the lion

The symbol of each sign comes from its constellation.

Associated chakra: the heart

Chakras are energy centers of the body. As the sign that encourages you to find your joy and do things from your heart, it makes sense that this chakra would pair well with this sun season.

Energy: joy

Each season comes with its own energies. Leo is the season of joy.

Element: fire

Each sign is also associated with an element. Leo is a fire sign, meaning this time of year bring lots of energy. It’s a time to take action and be more active than you were during watery Cancer season.

Type of sign: Fixed

Leo is a fixed sign because it is bordered by two summer seasons. It does not represent the beginning or end of a season so it is fixed.

Things to do during Leo season

Taking place during the peak of summer, Leo season is a great time to truly enjoy your life. Summer vacation was always the time to do whatever you wanted without school standing in the way. Even though you may no longer get a summer vacation, summer is still a great time to take vacations, if you can, or go on day trips. It’s the time to make a list of all the things that bring you joy and then do one each day.

It’s also the time to show yourself and others love. The courageous lion always does things from the heart, which means you have to put yourself out there. It takes courage, but also takes love and trust in yourself and the world. During this season, show the real you to the world. Dance like no one’s watching and allow the joy you feel from this experience to guide you in doing more things you love to do.

For more suggestions on incorporating Leo season into your life, check out this blog post. And of course, don’t forget to check out the Leo Oil Collection!


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